27 martie 2010


higschool nowadays is not what once was anymore.in the past it was a place where students came and learned till their head was exploding,every teacher had his very own prestige,they were staying as myhrr in their desks shivering as the wicked and cruel dictator from the chair was slowly browsing the catalogue...and with each page turned cold shivers were sent down their spine...and in the next moment an ill-fated one was asked to stand up and to tell the lesson.
the poor fellow was too anxious and nervous as the baron was running the saw on him creating an image of a student put in an awkward situation not having how to hit back the sadistic tyrant who inevitably marked him with a four.................
the main idea is that high school life has changed a lot and learning and having good marks is currently seen as a job for nerds and losers...from the point of view of the "cool","popular" students that have a very active social life.
yes i have to agree that it is worthless to spend your whole time as a couch potato or as a bookworm.or to have your fingers hackneyed after breaking the world's record at fast clicking the mouse on the internet.yes,social life it is one of the most important things in a teenager's life among relationships....let's turn back to the title that was not accidentally chosen.......
we like our social life interacting with persons that we call friends or we admire or they share the same interest or hobbies or opinions....yes let's just say that I have nothing against this but as you know in many cases a person who is not so popular and is considered by the others(who are not the smartest or are right persons) losers and they believe that they are losers...and start acting desperate....first of all trying to please the one persons they are calumniated by and to befriend them....
there are a lot of films where the known"losers" try to integrate in one of the gangs of the high school just because that gang is said to be cool,and everyone would treat them different now....what a delusion...the official members have an interest in accepting him amidst them and will put him do their stuff just to prove that they are worth to join the band..............
here we are fakers...and hence this caption....desiring to become one of them...we put aside our true characteristics and start to learn and to adopt other habits that are not to our liking but will give us a cool scent above "the other losers"....
if you are smart enough you should know that neither changing just because you are considered a loser ...nor even changing your habits among the streams in the high school is a wise thing....you will become a person wearing a mask that will grow heavy and you will forget who is beneath...and when you'll wake up....you will get out rumpled....
so don't mind when they call you a loser on fragile proof...because the meaning of this term is not a definite one.....mind your own (social)life ,keep up with your passions ,hit your aim....popularity has a short life....the higher you are the more painful is when you fall...and if you like living in a present and don't giving a fuck about your future that it is in your hands,be popular now and live it at maximum intensity....and become a loser later:)

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