24 martie 2010

Accepting Defeat.....

yesterday...all trouble seemed so far away.we were breathing only the smell of the clister and hearing only the echoes of the swaying goal when the ball was hitting its aim.everyone of us was foreseeing this ultimate derby of ours with the eternal rival LPS.though they in the past administrated us with losses hard to swallow,we all believed that today was the day that we would all remember as the day when our magnificient highschool B.P.Hasdeu has beaten the hell out of the mighty enemies of all the time.
despite all our enthusiasm shown in the beginning of the match as every save was hailed with strong clapping of the hands and every goal was celebrated with roars and shout that probably have demoralized the "reds" .you could see them in their faces.the green warriors have imposed in the beginning even took the lead of 2 goals constantly.....it was unbelievable that we could trail them....but why didn't this contentment feeling last longer?......they recovered their morale and took the lead up to 6 goals.....but in the end it was not a derby anymore...it was a war.....even in three outbacks they managed to withstand and even to score......and the sharp whistle of the referee was the one which ruined all our dreams.....and now we stay and wonder....why was all this about?

we were so close...close to an achievement that could have changed the whole history of this sport.God was good with us.He gave us undesired ocassions,obvious chances to take the lead,but
it was us the ones who by our reccuring mistakes screwed up this game again.....
i am sorry if u had high expectations from me and i let u down....if u better stay to think we all have a part in this common fault....and we've got to get over this and to learn how to accept when we are defeated ....or we'll never play at our real value....we all know our skill but the lack of concentration and seriousness is the main enemy that keeps our inner talents covered with the mud of superficiality ....
a wise man said once...whenever something wrong happens....don't find a fault....find a remedy....probably we are not mature enough to avoid blaming the others when things go wrong....
gary kasparov the famous chess champion was asked what he was doing when he was suffering a defeat....and do you know what his answer was?...."the same thing that i do after a victory"......
so this bitter thought of loss made us unable to concentrate and to win a match that normally we used to win with eyes wide shut.....i don't know how you consider but you cannot save an entire match in the last minute staying in the goal...after all the atmosphere of agony was settled......
blame me if u want but you may want to know that by doing this we go nowhere ....the dice was cast....and these being said we should try to get over this dump and keep ourselves prepared for the next phase that will take place on march 31st.....god gave us another chance to defeat LPS this time ....and is our duty not to screw it up again.....
so till next time tap your foot three times against the floor and roar:"HASDEU"

Un comentariu:

  1. O, you wise man! Do I have to write in English??

    Uel, first av ol, n-am avut rabdare sa citesc tot, dar daca ai vrut comentariu, here I am.

    2 av ol (nu stiu unde se opreste ol-ul), stii engleza.

    3 av ol: :O wtf, tu, blog?! Uelcam!

    4 av ol: neah, gata... oricum, smecher ;)
