7 iulie 2010

...After ages

hullo!here i am once again just like a pack of wolves...:)) now oly sykes should sue me because of neglecting his author rights upon the lyrics...btw do you know where it comes from??
i bet you must know....but let this behind....
it have been ages since i last logged in and started to talk my mind....yep it was abandoned for a period but now i'm trying to bring it again to full operation.......
there have been so many events in the last months and i want this post to respect its format and length and not to write to much and thats why i'm gonna summarise it.
when the highschool football championship began...our class reached the third place.....
The day of the openned doors summoned all who finished and still are in this higschool and to play handball....lots of drink and food......and handball....
got my informatics average repaired we made a silly theatre act for the blind students as an exchange for a ten....
at the highschool handball championship although our team was eliminated i still got the best goalkeeper diploma....it was very exciting
coach got retired...a very bright career ends....hope it will come another half as good as him.....
we are now in holiday............
got new links and connections in my countryside......new friends to hang out with
won fourth place at neighbourhood football cup......as a goalie for august 23......could have been better if they called me from the beginning....
and that's all hope i'll keep up with it:d

21 aprilie 2010

Who knows?

hello again young fellows.boy this strike has brought after it only trouble.shorter brakes.longer classes,seven hours a day.you can barely find time to learn at one subject in the best case unless you lack lust that day.today i am going to debate a topic that in the previous weeks put my mind on grill thanks to my bud who is also unsatisfied regarding the fact that school doesn't teach us how to succeed or to survive in life.they fill our head with teoretical knowledge,that is
subsequently forgotten ,unlike the occidental learning style,6-7 objects but more classes afforded and more practical stuff.
yes we have to admit that this is our level,but as my bud was saying,as we reached a generation conflict,from the elder to the younger,we don't have the school of life,we believe that all that glitters is gold,we seize the present and don't think about our future,that we listen to all the new bands that appear during the night,"music that is born today and dies tommorrow" instead of listening to some immortal classics(oldies)"oasis,iris,the rolling stones,aerosmith"and so on.probably u like this bands but at their time did the other existent bands treated them with scepticism?what i want to say is that old people,grandparents cannot keep it up with the always changing streams of reality.broadly speaking,reality changes,evolves,and nothing is what it seems to be.being immature,unexperienced we tend to believe everything we are said,and not to analyze and think and find answers.for any question there are dozens of answers.everyone of them must be frequently studyed.
we have our different opinion about reality now when we are teenagers,probably when becoming adult we will change our point of view,probably next year we will think different,probably even next moment:))
that is what i was saying while being at odds,the opinnion of the experienced grandpa of 80 years knocks with the opinion of the rebelous non-conformistic teenager......i've been trying to say this but they would never listen.....
is it better to learn life on your own skin rather that taking advice by the others????
please answer

16 aprilie 2010

Unsatiable addiction

Premiera!!!primul articol pe care il scriu in romana!!!!!stiu ca imi incalc regula dar de aceasta data simt nevoia sa relatez cursiv subiectul acestui articol si nu ca nu as avea chef...dar nu am rabdare sa mai scriu de data asta in engleza....subliniez ca doar de data asta scriu in romana....
astazi....defapt vroiam sa scriu de ieri dar nu aveam niciun chef....despre acest joc....cred ca sunt subiectiv...dar mi se pare cel mai genial joc creat vreodata de mintea umana....defense of the ancients (dota)....dintr-o simpla harta de custom game la warcraft a luat o amploare globala....de zeci de milioane de gameri obsedati care sunt vesnic logati in aceleasi camere pline....care nu isi dau seama ca s-a facut tarziu pana ce razele soarelui patrund in camera lor incuiata prinzandu-i in fata celui de-al n-ulea joc din ziua respectiva....cat de disperat sa fii....intr-adevar e un drog acest dota....dar cred ca nu sunt singurul caruia ii provoaca o stare de satisfactie in timp ce joaca....si aici puteti sa ma sustineti...este provocator si captivant mai ales prin faptul ca ice frog a facut atatia eroi...atatea iteme...atatea combinatii posibile de au aparut site-uri de strategie....turnee mondiale de dota....pe garena....din care se castiga bani....si inca bine.....
tot timpul trebuie sa apara o harta noua cu cateva imbunatatiri pe ici pe colo....si la vreo zece harti un erou nou....sau 2....nu ma numesc un gamer....nu joc 10 ore pe zi ca nu dispun de posibilitaile circumstantiale de a juca....de a fi dupa mine as ajunge un mare jucator de dota....aici nu vreau sa jignesc pe nimeni insa cei care joaca pot sa imi dea dreptate....dar mai repede gandesti mai logic jucand dota decat counter-strike...nu intelegeti ca am ceva cu cs...nu prea am jucat intr-adevar stiu ce a putut ajunge acest joc produs de valve....insa scopul lui se reduce la uciderea adversarului cu arma....in schimb dota te tine mereu in priza si auzi pe altii cum povestesc de experientele lor in legatura cu eroii,dau sfaturi in legatura cu itemele,in fine se poate spune ca este un curent mai ales la mine in clasa.....imi aduc aminte cand eram clasa a 2 a si tatal meu mi-a aratat acest "joc cu monstrii" si eu cum ii ziceam:"tati,du-l pe print in tabara monstruletilor", mor de ras cand ma aud cum ziceam....ca dupa 3 ani de jucat continuu....de terminat campaniile la single player de 500 de ori....storyline-ul stiut pe de rost,custom game-uri jucate toate,sa rad de tata care in loc sa isi construiasca primaria langa mina ,facea un sir lung de tarani sa care aurul.ciudat,de dota am auzit tocmai cand eram clasa a 8 a de la un coleg de clasa,care pe atunci ma rupea ,si tin minte si primul erou cu care am jucat,lucru pe care il tii minte toata viata,in 2 ani de zile nu am jucat dota calumea constant,deoarece nu am prea putut din imprejurimi,am mancat bataie multa pana sa ajung sa termin pe primul loc,am intalnit fel de fel de gameri din toata lumea,leaveri,banati,copii care stiau doar sa injure atunci cand eroul lor era omorat,dar si gameri specialisti....
si acum dupa doi ani simt in fiecare zi nevoia sa joc.am zis ca ma opresc dar degeaba.nu ai cum,mereu o sa fie o zi in care sa ai chef de o dota cu prietenii sa testezi noi eroi,nu ai cum sa stii sa joci cu toti la fel.
sa descoperi unul imba se intampla rar dar cand nu te astepti,chiar daca ajungi pe ultimele locuri cu el,dupa ce ai crezut ca esti imba,nu descuraja,invata sa joci mai bn,ia harti ai.
majoritatea dependentilor de un joc gen dota,wow....dupa ce se plictisesc si asta dupa lungi secole,zic ca a fost o pierdere de timp,si nu ii lasa pe ceilalti sa experimenteze pe propria piele sa ajunga si ei la aceeasi concluzie:(....
totusi daca esti baiat(sa nu fac discriminari dar nu prea am intalnit fete care sa joace dota)
si nu ai jucat dota pana acuma,ai trait degeaba:D

11 aprilie 2010

An True Story

hi again...have been relaxing for the past three weeks since the strike began but starting from tomorrow the school will commence and will bring forward recovering sessions.....but let's enjoy the last day of our great vacation.....
whilst i was taking a walk with my friends in the park i saw my primary school being turned into a work site as u can see in the image below...and with the combination of the last seen horror film:"a haunting in connecticut" which i found one of the most original and fascinating horror film ever seen unlike the current films that are produced:outstanding visual and sound effects but lack of originality in storyline....the idea of a new movie script appeared in my mind...one that would make steven spielberg jealous...and george lucas to cut his eyes.......it may be inspired by other films

An True Story(2010)
Length:106 minutes
Directed by:Lens
Release date:7 april 2010(Romania),20 june(USA),15 august(UK)
Four teenagers (i haven't made up their names yet)...a jocky and boasting basketball player the best in the highschool team,a calm skinny very intelligent nerd,an hiperagresive bully and a peculiar goth styled thinking dude,that during highschool never hadn't met during the years find themselves the only ones who can cure the curse of their haunted highschool after each of them do something against the rules and hid the act.(dunno if it makes sense).
each of them while doing that had a strange feeling of seeing a dark cloaked man who's face is never seen as being hidden under the hood...
they find themselves while entering the other day in the highschool although outside it was sunny...the weather changed suddenly...they got out of time and while trying to get out they found out that they were trapped...this is how they get to know each other....at first there were misunderstandings and quarrels but they would end working as a team to redeem their mistakes that brought this highschool to a haunted graveyard....
they will find out that by commiting their acts they doomed the school because its prestige was ruined due to neglection of rules....so they will have a hard row to hoe dealing with the undead students....the jock will have to defeat at 1v1 the undead basketball star....the nerd will have to solve an impossibly hard absolvation and logic test paper at the mercy of the ever worst maths teacher that terrorized the generations even when he was alive.....the bully will have to fight against the undead huge hulky colossus that was called bully.....and the goth kid will have to think about this enigma and to solve it.....the ending is beyond your expectation....although this film will never be directed....i'll tell you....it has no end....it is up to you to imagine your own version of the end....:D....creepy scenario...isn't it?

7 aprilie 2010

The path is converged....

i know i haven't written for a while....i have celebrated the Easter in the most common way we all know how to celebrate...although i talked a lot about the christian morale i was amidst the ones who didn't do anything than feast....yeah Christ has resurrected !lets eat!!!...haha....well i am romanian...:D
i had no lust of blogging nowadays ,the past 2 days it was such a sucky weather....heavy rain ,a murky sky,and puddles at every step...so depressing ...unable to hang out with friends and fell on deep thinkings....certainly a topic that previously i wanted to approach but i postponed it every time because it needs more introspection...
dunno if title says much to you...or the picture that i centered does....but the main idea is that i sense the existence of this word named "destiny"....
and now lets try to explain this so emphasized piece of art that is called the image's url of these strange crossed lines that appear to exist....
imagine life from a different point of view...as in the greek mythology .as a spring the life wire rises up and grows down....and for every one of us as we interact in this world with other people...so do our life wires converge....they braid (as a relationship or have a strongly braid-marriage)....they diverge...as divorces,split-ups....in this world each of us has it's way....and some paths may converge.....
enough about the image...let's see other senses of this term.haven't you ever had the feeling that when you said with bigotry sometimes that you wouldn't do a thing even if you would be killed and after a period of time you would wake up finding yourself doing it?...
i found myself in this posture sometimes....but some experts say that the future isn't determined by coincidence.it is determined by decisions that you take...let's think that some consider the destiny as being something that happens unexpectedly beyond our powers to control the flow of life....in some circumstances this is the true meaning...how many times did something happen in your life,something unexpectedly that you never could have thought?
intuition-another part of this stem...how many times while you were on the brink of taking a decision you were foreseeing the consequences...and how many times they were as you were imagining???...
yes no one can predict the future...but while taking a decision you can guess what will it look like but not every time...sometimes you wish you haven't done that....but the flow is oriented only forward.....
someone wins....someone loses....catastrophes happen....miracles rarely happen....but why is the destiny the one to be blamed for all these?
so believe what you want..i don't care if you believe or not in destiny...i.one.believe that has its one contribution in life's design....where you are born,when,in what family you are born,people that you happen to interact....the rest of the other things including decisions it is up to us...
so be good:D

3 aprilie 2010


hello again...did not have time to write on my blog in the past few days being busy with all sorts of things and preparation for this holiday...that it is said to be the most marvellous in the entire human history.
we all know that in this period of the year we use to cheer up,to renew ourselves,besides this we knock red eggs and drink wine ,feast ourselves with the delicious mutton and have out of bounds parties......why?.....because it's Easter!how can you forget that?!?
my friends,probably here is where we mistake.over the years this miracle that stood in the resurrection of our Lord after the long "endless" torment.after being nonstop flouted after being turned and rend by the pharisees because of his unaccepted divine origin ,has been recently replaced by another occasion to drink till the stomach splits up,and to devour with great savagery and greed great amounts of food......
the christian morale has partly vanished....only a few true christians where they hear about this know the true meaning...the rest of population make a dash against the table..."drink and food for everyone".....
not this is the real significance of the Easter....it is the heroic revival of our Lord who showed His true origin after being sentenced to death by the pharisees....he was thrown in the same pot with two murderers and shared the same ordeal,the most gruesome way to die...just for telling the truth.....
yep.the weak of passions it is said to be a week that emanates sorrow because humanity remembers what happened to Christ during that time....even Him encountered a feeling of desperation after He was abandoned to fulfill his mission,after he was abandoned by his apostles...sold by Judas Iscariot instead of 30 silvers,and left by Peter(who said to be his most loyal lackey)"But Jesus said, "Peter, let me tell you something. Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me."....Christ reaches while crucified complete desperation and shouted"My God,My God.why have You forsaken Me?" and his final breath is gone...............
He gave everyone his love...they answered with hatred....He was(is) an alive saint...they treated him as an ordinary criminal...they chose Varava instead of Him....even if they had no love for him by torturing him with the thorns and He absorbed their sins:

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

if Jesus hadn't fulfilled his mission,forgiving everyone and suffering for their sins....our salvation wouldn't be possible.....and this is the reason why we should treat more respectfully this holiday and to attend at the reviving ceremony that takes place between the night of Saturday to Sunday.....so I hope you will have a happy Easter with your family and friends and take everything in moderation.

31 martie 2010

For a brighter future...

consider this as a reply for the expected answer after the humiliating defeat that we've been through last week...
but this time the county phase had more outercity teams to deal with...
it was the time when we redeemed a part of our mistakes....this time we beat the hell out of the opportunistic economicals besides pawning the bercans at a thrice score.....
but the eternal enemy is never sleeping....nonetheless that we called up our tactics and improved our game...but it wasn't our lucky day....not even now....God gives you the chance but does not do the work for u....yes true...it was a nailbitting extremely strained match with a constant difference of one goal...but it lasted only the first half...finally being beaten at six.....
if the last time we played against them i was a bit diffident and felt under pressure when i had to defend the post...this time i felt the most relaxed and confident person ever....i wish the feeling of self-reliability and faith would have lasted longer but i think i managed to do well just ten minutes.......
even though we were again defeated...this doesn't mean that it is the brink of agony...if we stay to notice the full part of the glass....they beat us only because they have during a week daily practice besides going to the gym....they are not a high school...they are a private club of handball players from different high schools....and apart from all these they should kick our ass more easily and at a greater score...every time we were so close to beat them....but they know how to resist match after match because of their physical condition....
thumbs up!a proverb says that people who suffer failures are the ones who were very close to a success and gave up!
i do not feel guilty...or any pity for today...we won 2 out of 3...and we know the enemy better....
the next time when we will meet...at the o.n.s.s (after two weeks) they won't be so lucky...keep in mind that they are not even allowed to play...but....they play........
sorry that i have to end the entry again with the same ending as the previous one but...one more time :tap your foot against the deck three times and roar:"HASDEU"

27 martie 2010


higschool nowadays is not what once was anymore.in the past it was a place where students came and learned till their head was exploding,every teacher had his very own prestige,they were staying as myhrr in their desks shivering as the wicked and cruel dictator from the chair was slowly browsing the catalogue...and with each page turned cold shivers were sent down their spine...and in the next moment an ill-fated one was asked to stand up and to tell the lesson.
the poor fellow was too anxious and nervous as the baron was running the saw on him creating an image of a student put in an awkward situation not having how to hit back the sadistic tyrant who inevitably marked him with a four.................
the main idea is that high school life has changed a lot and learning and having good marks is currently seen as a job for nerds and losers...from the point of view of the "cool","popular" students that have a very active social life.
yes i have to agree that it is worthless to spend your whole time as a couch potato or as a bookworm.or to have your fingers hackneyed after breaking the world's record at fast clicking the mouse on the internet.yes,social life it is one of the most important things in a teenager's life among relationships....let's turn back to the title that was not accidentally chosen.......
we like our social life interacting with persons that we call friends or we admire or they share the same interest or hobbies or opinions....yes let's just say that I have nothing against this but as you know in many cases a person who is not so popular and is considered by the others(who are not the smartest or are right persons) losers and they believe that they are losers...and start acting desperate....first of all trying to please the one persons they are calumniated by and to befriend them....
there are a lot of films where the known"losers" try to integrate in one of the gangs of the high school just because that gang is said to be cool,and everyone would treat them different now....what a delusion...the official members have an interest in accepting him amidst them and will put him do their stuff just to prove that they are worth to join the band..............
here we are fakers...and hence this caption....desiring to become one of them...we put aside our true characteristics and start to learn and to adopt other habits that are not to our liking but will give us a cool scent above "the other losers"....
if you are smart enough you should know that neither changing just because you are considered a loser ...nor even changing your habits among the streams in the high school is a wise thing....you will become a person wearing a mask that will grow heavy and you will forget who is beneath...and when you'll wake up....you will get out rumpled....
so don't mind when they call you a loser on fragile proof...because the meaning of this term is not a definite one.....mind your own (social)life ,keep up with your passions ,hit your aim....popularity has a short life....the higher you are the more painful is when you fall...and if you like living in a present and don't giving a fuck about your future that it is in your hands,be popular now and live it at maximum intensity....and become a loser later:)

24 martie 2010

Accepting Defeat.....

yesterday...all trouble seemed so far away.we were breathing only the smell of the clister and hearing only the echoes of the swaying goal when the ball was hitting its aim.everyone of us was foreseeing this ultimate derby of ours with the eternal rival LPS.though they in the past administrated us with losses hard to swallow,we all believed that today was the day that we would all remember as the day when our magnificient highschool B.P.Hasdeu has beaten the hell out of the mighty enemies of all the time.
despite all our enthusiasm shown in the beginning of the match as every save was hailed with strong clapping of the hands and every goal was celebrated with roars and shout that probably have demoralized the "reds" .you could see them in their faces.the green warriors have imposed in the beginning even took the lead of 2 goals constantly.....it was unbelievable that we could trail them....but why didn't this contentment feeling last longer?......they recovered their morale and took the lead up to 6 goals.....but in the end it was not a derby anymore...it was a war.....even in three outbacks they managed to withstand and even to score......and the sharp whistle of the referee was the one which ruined all our dreams.....and now we stay and wonder....why was all this about?

we were so close...close to an achievement that could have changed the whole history of this sport.God was good with us.He gave us undesired ocassions,obvious chances to take the lead,but
it was us the ones who by our reccuring mistakes screwed up this game again.....
i am sorry if u had high expectations from me and i let u down....if u better stay to think we all have a part in this common fault....and we've got to get over this and to learn how to accept when we are defeated ....or we'll never play at our real value....we all know our skill but the lack of concentration and seriousness is the main enemy that keeps our inner talents covered with the mud of superficiality ....
a wise man said once...whenever something wrong happens....don't find a fault....find a remedy....probably we are not mature enough to avoid blaming the others when things go wrong....
gary kasparov the famous chess champion was asked what he was doing when he was suffering a defeat....and do you know what his answer was?...."the same thing that i do after a victory"......
so this bitter thought of loss made us unable to concentrate and to win a match that normally we used to win with eyes wide shut.....i don't know how you consider but you cannot save an entire match in the last minute staying in the goal...after all the atmosphere of agony was settled......
blame me if u want but you may want to know that by doing this we go nowhere ....the dice was cast....and these being said we should try to get over this dump and keep ourselves prepared for the next phase that will take place on march 31st.....god gave us another chance to defeat LPS this time ....and is our duty not to screw it up again.....
so till next time tap your foot three times against the floor and roar:"HASDEU"

20 martie 2010

Exodus of the blog

finally.after long ages of boredom and desperation.after all my list of things to do was slightly depleted because of this undeserved holiday that has come to alterate our minds,to break us off from the middle of the second semester,i decided to step over my dignity.to do something i've never thought in ages I would do....something that i previously considered as being a thing for freaks (excuse me if I had these thoughts) .i opened the first entry on my blog.....i never thought choosing a blog link would be so difficult.....you must be original...and this must come from inside....no one would put a trigger on your head and threat you to tell your mind ....but they would be interested to hear from u an opinion....
though I have never know before all the things that are behind this blog-mania....that every one of us weave to express through thousands of words an own type of reality different from the real one:)))(how deep sounded this).
thereby i founded this blog to express myself through words...because i have to admit and i have the courage to answer for....i was a bit afraid at first because i thought that others could misunderstand me and thus change their opinion....but if i stay better to think i frankly don't care....you may think whatever you want about me and my blog....but a single thing you must notice ....that i am not maintaining this to vex or insult people.....that's why i'll never write articles with the topic of.........."i hate this kind of people"..."what losers are the....".
you got it.
this is where some of the thoughts that you somewhen had may converge with mine...and by this we can realize how much we have in common....
well hope this first article was intriguing enough to get your attention....and if it seems to short....
this is just the beginning.....there are more yet to come:)